At this moment, I am half asleep on a plane, flying back from an 18 hour long visit to Ohio. If that sounds hectic, I should mention that both me and my 4 year old had the stomach flu last week AND I listed a property for sale on Saturday. I didn’t expect the immediate reaction and traction that the property had (multiple offers within 48 hours of the listing) or I might have changed the timing of everything a bit. But to the trip!
I left San Diego at 2pm, had a very short layover in the twin cities and landed just before 11pm (local time) in Cleveland. Steve, the real estate provider recommended by R2R, had arranged for a very nice woman to pick me up at the airport and drive me to my hotel, about 30 minutes away. I checked into the hotel just before midnight and reviewed the offers that had come in during my travels (and immediately learned how hard it would be to beat a cash offer with a quick escrow). I attempted to fall asleep but the strangeness of the situation I found myself in kept me up later than I wanted to be.
My alarm went off at 8 am (5am PST) and I snoozed for 5 minutes until Steve texted me he was on the way. I quickly got ready for the day and met Steve downstairs. This was the first time I had met Steve in person but after all the phone calls, he didn’t feel like a stranger. Steve asked what I wanted to see and I said I wanted to see the different neighborhoods that he flipped houses in and the house we have under contract. Part of the reason Ken and I had decided I would go to Ohio is because we plan on buying more properties once we have additional capital.
Quick note, most if not all, of the houses Steve works with are in Akron/Canton and the surrounding areas.
Our first stop was to meet the property manager. Steve and R2R both recommended the same company and I had spoken with their office manager the day before (while packing for my flight, after reviewing the first offer on my seller’s property). It was great to put a face to the voice and everyone was so nice.
Steve took me to at least 7 different properties (those are the ones I can remember) all in different stages of the process. He had an owner sign a purchase contract, which was a new experience for me.
Steve took me to three active construction houses. Two of them had crews hammering away. In addition to looking at the creative placement of half baths, I found a closet full of pretty epic 90s dresses that Goodwill would be lucky to have. Two of the houses I want to keep an eye on to buy if the timing works out.
Steve was working on a straight flip with a finished basement and we swung by there. It should hit the market tomorrow. I thought it was a really cool house (with a very cool basement) and hope it does well.
The last two houses were ones that were ready to go. One was not my favorite (though still very well done) and the other one was our property!
Full disclosure, Ken picked the house we bought. He felt strongly that it was the right house and after all the houses I saw and seeing it in person, I have to say: he was right. I would have been happy to have rented our house if I was a renter. The house was level, clean, and had good sized bedrooms.
My overall impression of the area was positive. I now know which neighborhoods I like a little bit more and have a better idea of where things are in relation. I got to see so many porches and brick siding houses AND explore nook and cranny basements. Steve and I drove around talking about different possibilities with investments, how to fund things, and conferences.
He dropped me off at the airport a little early and I got to work summarizing the offers for my seller. I also officially signed the contract with the Ohio project manager before my flight at 440. I had an even shorter layover in Minneapolis (actual running was involved) but made my plane and will land at 8ish in San Diego.
I’m exhausted and miss my babies but also can’t believe that my day counts as work. I would literally do it all day every day if I could. And I guess that’s what I’m trying to do. So I’m going home with tired eyes, a happy heart, and a bag full of valentine’s day presents from the airport.